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A Pastoral Letter for 2025

Writer's picture: Margarette OujiMargarette Ouji

Grace and peace to you in the name of the One who calls us to love, to serve, and to hope.

Jesus’ words in Matthew 25 are not just a memory from the past; they are a summons to action now more than ever. “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink...” This is not just a suggestion; it is our sacred mission. When we serve the hungry, we serve Christ. When we open our doors to the stranger, we open them to Jesus. When we advocate for the sick, the poor, and the imprisoned, we stand with God. This is who we are. This is what it means to follow Jesus.

There is no denying the weight of this moment. We see the dire state of our union—an age of division, cruelty, and disregard for the most vulnerable. Immigrants and asylum seekers face dehumanization. LGBTQIA+ siblings are met with hostility. Medicaid and affordable housing recipients are dismissed as burdens rather than cherished children of God. The suffering in our world can feel relentless. And yet, we are called.

For over a century, this congregation has lived out its mission. Through seasons of plenty and times of struggle, it has remained a place of welcome, service, and unwavering love. As we step into another year together, we do so with the courage to dream—dreaming of how God will use us in the years to come, even as we navigate uncertainty.

Reflecting on the past year, we have made significant, faithful changes. Staffing adjustments were made to address fiscal challenges. We continued our commitment to youth ministry and provided a space of belonging for those seeking community and faith. We welcomed new faces, said farewell to beloved members, celebrated baptisms, and honored the lives of those who have gone before us. We explored new possibilities for mission and discerned significant decisions about our future.

In the midst of this journey, we give thanks.

We give thanks for those who faithfully serve in leadership, ensuring the mission of this congregation continues. We give thanks for those who offer their gifts in worship, hospitality, and care. We give thanks for the wider church and its support in this time of discernment and transition. And above all, we give thanks for one another—for the ways we accompany each other in faith, embodying God’s love in the world.

We are not alone in this work. We have each other. We have the boundless love of God. We have the resurrection promise that death and despair never have the final word.

Hold fast to that, beloved. Hold fast to hope. Hold fast to Christ’s call to love and serve. I give thanks for each of you and for the ways you embody God’s love in this world. Let us walk together, with courage and faith, into this next chapter—trusting that God is already there, waiting to show us the way.

With love and hope,

Rev. Margarette Ouji

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